Grow your own Oyster mushrooms! Back GroCycle Kickstarter campaign

Just a quick post about this fantastic kick starter campaign! We are already big fans of the GroCycle Oyster mushroom kit, we have one growing in our bathroom. They use old coffee grounds to grow Oyster mushrooms directly from, without much hassle at all. Seeing as Oyster mushrooms are generally quite expensive and we have… Continue reading Grow your own Oyster mushrooms! Back GroCycle Kickstarter campaign

Keeping our mushrooms fresh

Covering your mushrooms with kitchen towel

Take mushrooms for example, refrigeration is the best way right? Well yes, but leaving the plastic film over them causes them to go off quicker and become slimy due to the build-up of moisture. Piercing several holes in the plastic will increase their life by a couple of days, but no more than the general 4-5 days life span. However, there is in addition to refrigeration a very simple trick to extend the life of your mushrooms well beyond the ‘best before’ date. Now this might be common knowledge, but we had never heard of it before…