Runner bean, wheelie bin screen

Runner bean wheelie bin screen

For a while now we have been discussing our options how to partially hide our wheelie bins from view with some form of trellis and maybe a vigorous climber or vine (passion flower/clematis). Instead of purchasing a plant for the purpose, we could have always taken a cutting of one of our numerous climbers from the back garden. The initial downside was the lead time in which to get a cutting to take root and plant out was too long as we are already 4 weeks into summer. Plus any cutting would take many months to completely take up residence in advance of winter.

For a couple of weeks we have been deliberating where we could grow our runner beans this year, as you cannot grow them in the same location two years running.

Building our permanent raised vegetable beds

One of the smaller raised beds

To increase the amount of food we can grow in our garden each year, we had been contemplating how to make a more efficient use of the space available in our back garden without any large scale landscaping or demolition.

Raised vegetable plots were certainly the favoured option, but our requirements were not as straight forward as the last time we built raised beds in our previous properties, there were plenty more variables to consider this time.