Reading Beer festival food & frivolities

Reading Beer Festival

Every year we venture down to Reading’s Beer Festival, looking forward to sampling a little of everything we can manage to fit into our stomachs (especially the pies!). Well it used to be the hog roast, but it was a little disappointing last year, so now it’s the wild boar and mushroom pies! Yummy!

In the previous years I have tried some very tasty beers, ales and mead’s, though I am not really a cider fan. Probably since those dreaded teenage years of getting ridiculously drunk on white lighting & TNT and now the smell of any cider makes me want to hurl.

Interesting..Making wild nettles beer!

Making Wild Nettles Beer

Oooh, this sounds interesting! making beer from wild stinging nettles. You could end up being stung all over if you are not careful haha! I think i would need plenty of vinegar to hand and doc leaves.

I am quite curious to what it might taste like, we could either wait for them to force their way into our garden from under the fence or alternatively go on the hunt.

Brewing our own light beer

DIY Beer Brewing!

I have been keen to learn how to make my own beer and for Christmas my sister bought me a wheat beer microbreweries kit. I know it’s a kit with the premade syrup already provided, so the process is much easier than preparing the hops. But I figure, you have to start somewhere just with learning the basic principles how to “home brew” and this kit just gets the ball rolling.

My efforts most likely will not be as tasty as the beer you buy from the shops, but hopefully this will get better with practice, plus the amount of beer you get for the money you spend, is so much better ROI for only a little effort.