Aside from the government “re-assuring” us that they plan to change regulations to force the energy companies to put us all on the lowest tariff, it still does not help the underlying problem, the price per unit of energy for both gas and electric! It’s all very well putting us all on the lowest tariff, but if that is continually rising through inflation and market wholesale prices, where does it leave us? NO WHERE I hear you scream! Especially as prices are continually rising and will continue to do so, forcing ever more people into fuel poverty.
When we first started trying to seriously cut back on our monthly out goings, one of the first things we knew we could cut back on was our energy bills. Everyone knows that if we use less, it will cost less…but you don’t always want to penny pinch your utility usage, especially during the winter months! But surely there were other things we could do.
The question was, where do we start
First off, we found there were at least four things we could do:
- Switch energy suppliers for both Gas & Electic
- Make our home more energy efficient
- Reduce unnecessary usage
- Generate our own energy
So to keep things ordered, we will try to go through each of the points above in future posts to see how we tackled each of these. You have more than likely considered many of these, but sometimes it’s interesting to see what others have done and how easy it can be.