Heritage seed planting session

Seed trays
A couple of seed trays crammed on our windowsill

Well with this miserable weather outside, we thought today we should plant some more of our new heritage seeds! Though we are seriously lacking with available window space, we cannot put all of the seeds out in the greenhouse either as it’s still too cold at the moment. So we have been trying to plant our seeds in separate sittings, this was the second sitting and the rest of the seeds will have to wait until April. So Sherrie, her mother and i sat there in a mini production line, cleaning seed trays, filling them with soil, planting and labelling for a couple hours.

Why are you planting heritage seeds?

We decided to move over to heritage seeds for many reasons, which we will go into more detail in a future post. But to keep things frugal, heritage seeds in some cases are cheaper to buy, taste better and much easier to get a new set of seeds for next year. Yes they are not as disease resistant as F1 hybrid varieties and maybe a lower yield but they are certainly the better more natural choice in our opinion, especially if you are scrimping!

Where did you source your heritage seeds?

After looking around for a good well stocked heritage seed company, we came across The Real Seed Catalogue and so far have placed a couple of orders with them, this is our first year on heritage seeds, so we are excited to see how well they do. We will keep posting away with status updates as our little green babies grow!

What are your thoughts on heritage seeds? We are keen to learn as much as possible.

Piers Caswell (24)

For 15 years I have been creating websites and digital media solutions. I have a keen interest in writing on my personal blog about finding frugal and more sustainable ways to living through the great financial depression.

Situated 34 Miles West of London, located in Tilehurst, Reading.

Piers Caswell

Piers Caswell

Founder, designer & developer at Digital-Zest Online Ltd
For 15 years I have been creating websites and digital media solutions. I have a keen interest in writing on my personal blog about finding frugal and more sustainable ways to living through the great financial depression. Situated 34 Miles West of London, located in Tilehurst, Reading.
Piers Caswell
Piers Caswell

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By Piers Caswell

For 15 years I have been creating websites and digital media solutions. I have a keen interest in writing on my personal blog about finding frugal and more sustainable ways to living through the great financial depression. Situated 34 Miles West of London, located in Tilehurst, Reading.

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