Interesting..Making wild nettles beer!

Making Wild Nettles Beer
Making wild nettles beer

Oooh, this sounds interesting! Making beer from wild stinging nettles. You could end up being stung all over if you are not careful haha! I think i would need plenty of vinegar to hand and doc leaves.

I am quite curious to what it might taste like, we could either wait for them to force their way into our garden from under the fence or alternatively go on the hunt.

Here is the link, check it out!


Piers Caswell (24)

For 15 years I have been creating websites and digital media solutions. I have a keen interest in writing on my personal blog about finding frugal and more sustainable ways to living through the great financial depression.

Situated 34 Miles West of London, located in Tilehurst, Reading.

Piers Caswell

Piers Caswell

Founder, designer & developer at Digital-Zest Online Ltd
For 15 years I have been creating websites and digital media solutions. I have a keen interest in writing on my personal blog about finding frugal and more sustainable ways to living through the great financial depression. Situated 34 Miles West of London, located in Tilehurst, Reading.
Piers Caswell
Piers Caswell

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By Piers Caswell

For 15 years I have been creating websites and digital media solutions. I have a keen interest in writing on my personal blog about finding frugal and more sustainable ways to living through the great financial depression. Situated 34 Miles West of London, located in Tilehurst, Reading.

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