Grow your own Oyster mushrooms! Back GroCycle Kickstarter campaign

Grow Oyster mushrooms from coffee

Grow Oyster mushrooms from coffeeJust a quick post about this fantastic kick starter campaign!

We are already big fans of the GroCycle Oyster mushroom kit, we have one growing in our bathroom. They use old coffee grounds to grow Oyster mushrooms directly from, without much hassle at all.

Seeing as Oyster mushrooms are generally quite expensive and we have an abundance of old coffee grounds, this seems like the ideal solution. The only loser here is our wormery and the compost bin. Initially we are using their kit, but we hope to learn how to do this ourselves soon, as they will be offering courses on how to!

They have 46 hours to go and need our support! The link is below if you wish to pledge your support

Piers Caswell (24)

For 15 years I have been creating websites and digital media solutions. I have a keen interest in writing on my personal blog about finding frugal and more sustainable ways to living through the great financial depression.

Situated 34 Miles West of London, located in Tilehurst, Reading.

Piers Caswell

Piers Caswell

Founder, designer & developer at Digital-Zest Online Ltd
For 15 years I have been creating websites and digital media solutions. I have a keen interest in writing on my personal blog about finding frugal and more sustainable ways to living through the great financial depression. Situated 34 Miles West of London, located in Tilehurst, Reading.
Piers Caswell
Piers Caswell

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By Piers Caswell

For 15 years I have been creating websites and digital media solutions. I have a keen interest in writing on my personal blog about finding frugal and more sustainable ways to living through the great financial depression. Situated 34 Miles West of London, located in Tilehurst, Reading.

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